Optimality in human motor performance: Ideal control of rapid aimed movements.

A stochastic optimized-submovement model is proposed for Pitts' law, the classic logarithmic trade- off between the duration and spatial precision of rapid aimed movements. According to the model, an aimed movement toward a specified target region involves a primary submovement and an optional secondary corrective submovement. The submovements are assumed to be programmed such that they minimize average total movement time while maintaining a high frequency of target hits. The programming process achieves this minimization by optimally adjusting the average magnitudes and durations of noisy neuromotor force pulses used to generate the submovements. Numerous results from the literature on human motor performance may be explained in these terms. Two new experiments on rapid wrist rotations yield additional support for the stochastic optimized- submovement model. Experiment 1 revealed that the mean durations of primary submovements and of secondary submovements, not just average total movement times, conform to a square-root approximation of Pitts' law derived from the model. Also, the spatial endpoints of primary submove- ments have standard deviations that increase linearly with average primary-submovement velocity, and the average primary-submovement velocity influences the relative frequencies of secondary sub- movements, as predicted by the model. During Experiment 2, these results were replicated and extended under conditions in which subjects made movements without concurrent visual feedback. This replication suggests that submovement optimization may be a pervasive property of movement production. The present conceptual framework provides insights into principles of motor perfor- mance, and it links the study of physical action to research on sensation, perception, and cognition, where psychologists have been concerned for some time about the degree to which mental processes incorporate rational and normative rules. An enduring issue in the study of the human mind concerns of mathematical probability theory and statistical decision the- the rationality and optimality of the mental processes that guide ory (e.g., see Edwards, 1961; Edwards, Lindman, & Savage,

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