Training program for transanal endoscopic microsurgery

Televised endoscopy and the concept of the “assisted” endoscopic operation is of great help in teaching surgical endoscopic techniques. The use of training dummies provides a new method of training manual dexterity and surgical skills in special courses or in surgical skill laboratories. We have developed a training system for transanal endoscopic microsurgery. Operations with our technique were performed on 116 patients. Like other microsurgical techniques, our method requires a special introduction and intensive training. This paper presents our multistage, video-supported training course for teaching transanal endoscopic microsurgery. The one-day training session is divided into four steps: (1) becoming acquainted with the technology; (2) training on cloth phantom; (3) training on opened bowel; (4) training on closed bovine bowel distended by gas insufflation. Each step is introduced by a short videotape didactically demonstrating the particular aspects of the method.