Hypertension Associated with a Renin-Secreting Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas

Renin production and secretion by neoplastic tissue was first documented by Robertson et al. in 1967.1 Since then, reports have appeared of more than a dozen additional cases of renin-secreting benign hemangiopericytomas of the renal juxtaglomerular apparatus.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In addition, malignant renal tumors have occasionally been implicated as sources of renin production.10 11 12 13 There have been only two well-documented reports of renin secretion by neoplastic tissues of nonrenal origin.14 , 15 In this report, we describe an instance of hypertension induced by a renin-secreting pancreatic carcinoma.The renin present in the tumor and plasma of this patient was immunologically and biochemically quite similar to . . .