Meiotic Behaviour of Spontaneous and Mutagen Induced Partial Desynaptic Plants in Pearl Millet

Partial desynaptic plants were isolated from a normal population of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides S. and H.), inbred T55 and mutagen (EMS [ethyl methanesulfonate] and .gamma.-rays) treated populations of inbreds Tif23A, Tif23B and K560. The pachytene pairing was complete and normal. A variable number (2-14) of univalents occurred at MI [metaphase I]. Anaphase I separation was normal in the majority (66-79%) of the cells; many showed 8:6 and 9:5 chromosome separation. The spontaneous desynaptic plant showed laggards and chromatin bridges at anatelophase I, while the induced ones did not show these aberrations. Chiasma frequency in the desynaptic plants was lower than that in the normal controls.

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