A specific flavor unification is suggested in the SU(7) gauge group. This model can be trivially extended to O(14). A global symmetry Γ forbids mixings of the b (Q=13) quark with the d and s quarks, and of the t (Q=23) quark with the u and c quarks. Since the b and t quarks carry different Γ quantum numbers, they do not belong to the same SU(2)L doublet. A mechanism for the Γ-symmetry violation is suggested, which allows ct mixing without b-quark mixing. There are unconventionally charged light (masses ≲ 300 GeV) fermions: a doubly charged lepton T, a Q=43 quark x, and a Q=53 quark y. The bare value of the Weinberg angle sin2θW0=320 is renormalized to the low-energy value by introducing an intermediate mass scale M1. A topologically stable magnetic monopole is light (massM1α) and hence there does not exist a conflict arising from the grand unified theories and the hot-big-bang cosmology.

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