The Wadi Natrun: Chemical composition and microbial mass developments in alkaline brines of Eutrophic Desert Lakes

Six lakes of the Wadi Natrun, Egypt, were studied with respect to the chemical composition of their brines and the occurrence of microbial mass developments. All investigated lakes showed pH values of approximately 11 and a total salt content of generally more than 30%. The main components were sulfate, carbonate, chloride, sodium, and minor amounts of potassium. Only traces of magnesium and calcium were present, but unusually high concentrations of organic carbon compounds, nitrogen compounds, and phosphate were found. Mass developments of phototrophic sulfur bacteria, halobacteria, cyanobacteria, and green algae were observed. The functions of complete nitrogen and sulfur cycles in the alkaline brines are discussed. The properties of the lakes and their ecology are compared with data on the Dead Sea and Great Salt Lake, Utah.