A serologic survey was carried out to demonstrate the present distribution of antibodies to certain arboviruses in Egypt. An examination of serum specimens from 1,113 male university students from different localities of Egypt showed that West Nile, phlebotomus fever, and Sindbis viruses are endemic, having overall prevalence rates of 50%, 23%, and 6%. The geographic distribution of West Nile and Sindbis viruses was identical, and dissimilar to that of the ecologically different phlebotomus fever virus. The prevalence of West Nile and Sindbis viruses has decreased from that reported 10 to 15 years ago, whereas that of phlebotomus fever remained unchanged. No antibodies were detected to eastern equine encephalomyelitis, western equine encephalomyelitis, or Bunyamwera virus. Only four serum samples (0.3%) were positive for dengue 1 virus.