Modulation of the bulbocavernosus reflex during voiding: Loss of inhibition in upper motor neuron lesions

The bulbocavernosus reflex (BCR) is a sacral segmental reflex which is suppressed throughout most of micturition. The BCR was evaluated by recording the associated EMG activity using a concentric needle electrode placed in the external urethral sphincter. The influence of the central nervous system (CNS) on the BCR was studied in 29 neurologically normal individuals and in 33 patients with upper motor neuron (UMN) lesions and voiding dysfunction. Ninety percent (26/29) of the neurologically normal patients did not have a BCR during most of micturition. By comparison, all the patients with an UMN lesion had a positive BCR beginning early during voiding. The finding of suprasegmental modulation of the BCR during voiding demonstrated by external urethral sphincter EMG was a more sensitive although slightly less specific sign of UMN bladder dysfunction than detrusor sphincter dyssynergia; uninhibited bladder contractions were neither sensitive nor specific for UMN lesions.