By 1H n.m.r. spectroscopy, E-methyl or -ethyl α-formamido-β-substituted acrylates may be characterized by the relatively large difference in chemical shift values (Δδ= 0.75–1.25 p.p.m. in CDCl3) of the two Hβ(vinylic) proton signals exhibited by the cis- and trans-amide conformers. Change of solvent from CDCl3 to CF3CO2H causes this difference in Hβchemical shift values to be considerably reduced, and also results in an increase in the quantity of the minor cis-amide conformer. Z-Methyl or -ethyl α-formamido-β-alkylacrylates maybe characterized by a much smaller difference in chemical shift values (Δδ= 0.05–0.10 p.p.m. in CDCl3) for the corresponding Hβsignals. Change of solvent from CDCl3 to CF3CO2H causes the Hβproton signals (for the cis- and trans-amide conformers) to both undergo similar downfield shifts, but did not result in an increase in the quantity of the minor cis-amide conformer [in the series of compounds studied]. E-Methyl or -ethyl α-formamido-β-arylacrylates may be further characterized by the anisotropy of the aromatic ring causing an upfield shifting of the proton signals within the ester moiety as compared to the corresponding signals in olefins having the Z-configuration or to non-aromatic substituted α,β-unsaturated esters in general.

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