Glucose Polymer Tolerance in Premature Infants

Some formulas designed for premature infants contain glucose polymer (GP) as part of their carbohydrate content. GP tolerance tests and lactose tolerance tests were performed on 11 healthy premature infants at 2 to 3 weeks of age to compare their ability to digest and absorb GP and lactose. Total plasma reducing substances (TPRS), plasma insulin (PI), and plasma glucose were measured 10 minutes before and 30, 60, and 120 minutes after the oral carbohydrate test meal. Lactose and GP stimulated a significant increase in TPRS at 30 and 60 minutes and produced similar glycemic responses. However, GP stimulated a smaller PI response whether measured as the area under the PI response curve or as the PI/TPRS ratio. It was concluded that although GP and lactose evoke similar glycemic responses, they differ in their abilities to stimulate insulin secretion. The mechanism controlling this differential insulin response is unknown.