Long-term Follow-up of Patients Treated with Cervical Radiofrequency Neurotomy for Chronic Neck Pain

To determine the long-term efficacy of percutaneous radiofrequency medial branch neurotomy in the treatment of chronic neck pain. Between 1991 and 1996, radiofrequency neurotomy was performed in 28 patients diagnosed as having cervical zygapophysial joint pain on the basis of controlled diagnostic blocks. The procedure was repeated in patients whose pain recurred. Outcome measures were the proportion of patients who responded to the initial procedure and the duration of relief subsequently obtained. Outcome was correlated with the operator performing the procedure, the type of electrode used, litigation status, and the type of diagnostic blocks used to establish the diagnosis. Complete relief of pain was obtained in 71 % of patients after an initial procedure. No patient who failed to respond to a first procedure responded to a repeat procedure, but if pain returned after a successful initial procedure, relief could be reinstated by a repeat procedure. The median duration of relief after a first procedure was 219 days when failures are included but 422 days when only successful cases are considered. The median duration of relief after repeat procedures was at least 219 days; several patients had ongoing relief at the time of follow-up. Outcome did not differ according to the operator, the type of electrode used, litigation status, or the type of diagnostic block used. Radiofrequency neurotomy provides clinically significant and satisfying periods of freedom from pain, and its effects can be reinstated if pain recurs.