Molecular cloning of a ligand for the EPH-related receptor protein-tyrosine kinase Htk.

Htk is a receptor protein-tyrosine kinase that is related to the EPH subfamily of tyrosine kinases. The receptor has a wide tissue distribution including expression in several myeloid hematopoietic cell lines. Using an Htk-Fc fusion protein, a protein ligand for this receptor was expression cloned from the murine kidney mesangial cell line SV40MES 13. The Htk ligand cDNA encodes a transmembrane protein of 336 amino acids. Binding competition experiments demonstrated a Kd of 535 pM for binding of Htk-Fc to the Htk ligand. Incubation of 3T3 cells expressing Htk with COS-7 cells expressing the ligand resulted in tyrosine phosphorylation of Htk. The ligand, like its receptor, is widely expressed and may function in a variety of tissues. However, we localized hematopoietic expression of Htk to the monocytic lineage, suggesting that the ligand may play a role in differentiation and/or proliferation of these cells.