A multiple chemotherapeutic approach to the management of hepatoblastoma.A preliminary report

In 1970, a staging based on surgical resectability of hepatic tumors was devised. Adjuvant chemotherapy with vincristine, 5-fluorouracil, and cyclophosphamide has been given to seven recent cases. Objectives of this study were to set up unified clinical staging and followup; to evaluate the effect of combination chemotherapy on survival in advanced disease; and to evaluate early adjunctive combination chemotherapy in surgically resectable lesions to, hopefully, prevent metastasis. Results to date in seven patients are: no change in the poor prognosis of the three female patients presenting with Stage 111-IV hepatocellular carcinoma; the three males with Stage 1-11 hepatoblastoma have done well and survive free of disease at 47 months, 44 months, and 28 months; one patient with hepatoblastoma had lung metastasis at diagnosis and died at 7 months with tumor. No toxicity was noted with the use of adjunctive combination chemotherapy following major hepatic resection.