Disposition of Hexobarbitone and Antipyrine in DOCA-hypertensive Rats

The disposition of antipyrine and hexobarbitone, and their effects on drug metabolizing hepatic enzymes have been investigated in DOCA-hypertensive rats. Antipyrine pharmacokinetic parameters were the same in hypertensive and control animals. Hexobarbitone sleeping time was longer in hypertensive rats compared with controls, while the activity of hepatic hexobarbitone hydroxylase was the same in both groups. Hepatic aminopyrine-N-demethylase activity was elevated in hypertensive rats while aniline hydroxylase and aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase were lower. Glucuronyl transferase was the same in both groups. The sensitivity of the central nervous system of hypertensive rats to hexobarbitone was not altered, as determined by hexobarbitone concentration in blood and in brain. The total hepatic blood flow (arterial and portal) was significantly increased. Thus it is suggested that the difference in the disposition of the two drugs is probably not due to drug metabolizing enzyme activity. It is likely that the increase in total hepatic blood flow and rapid saturation of hepatic hexobarbitone metabolizing enzymes have significant roles in the slower metabolism and increased activity of hexobarbitone in hypertensive rats as compared with control rats.