SUMMARY Dothiora schizospora sp. nov. was found on dead stems of Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench. in Missouri. Its most striking specific character is the production of fusoid, phragmosporous or muriform ascospores which are so deeply constricted at the primary septum that they readily separate into halves. The asci are bitunicate. The ascocarp is a parenchymatous, orbicular or oblong ascostroma containing a single, broad, flat locule filled with a continuous palisade of aparaphysate asci which are exposed by the rupture of the overlying stromal tissue and then resemble the disc of an apothecium. The centrum is composed of a parenchymatous tissue which disintegrates as the asci mature. The sexual apparatus consists of globular ascogonia with filamentous trichogynes projecting above the surface of the stroma and microconidia produced in locules in the same or separate stromata. A Dothichiza conidial stage is present. The Dothioraceae are classified alongside of the Dothideaceae in the order Dothideales of the subclass Loculoascomycetes.

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