The ARIES-II and ARIES-IV Second-Stability Tokamak Reactors

The ARIES research program is a multi-institutional effort to develop several visions of tokamak reactors with enhanced economic, safety, and environmental features. Four ARIES visions are currently planned for the ARIES program. The ARIES-I design is a DT-burning reactor based on “modest” extrapolations from the present tokamak physics database and relies on either existing technology or technology for which trends are already in place, often in programs outside fusion. The ARIES-III study focuses on the potential of tokamaks to operate with D-3He fuel system as an alternative to deuterium and tritium.Two major cost items in the ARIES-I reactor are those associated with the magnet system and the current-drive system and recirculating power. Theoretical studies of the second MHD stability regime has been on-going in order to increase the toroidal beta (reduce the magnet cost) as compared to the first-stability regime. Recent analyses indicate that because second MHD stable plasmas have a high polo...