Upper critical field of a mixedd- ands-wave superconductor

Based on the linearized gap equation, the upper critical field (Hc2) of a mixed d- and s-wave superconductor is microscopically obtained from the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) down to zero temperature. It is shown that near Tc, Hc2 increases almost linearly with decreasing temperature. Moreover, the mixed d- and s-wave superconductor has a larger value of Hc2 than that of a pure d-wave superconductor in the whole temperature region. Interestingly, our calculation unambiguously shows that Hc2 finally becomes saturated. This implies that an admixture of the s-wave component could not be the origin of its upward curvature which has been reported in some experiments and some calculations based on the Ginzburg-Landau equations.