Aspects of the Physiology of Terrestrial Life in Amphibious Fishes

1. A study has been carried out of major aspects of the physiological adaptations for terrestrial life possessed by the amphibious mudskipper fish, Periophthalmus sobrinus, on the island of Nosy Bé, Madagascar. 2. These fish can survive for approximately 1½ days out of water, if not exposed to severe dehydration or thermal stresses. Evaporative water-loss rates while out of water are relatively low. Upper lethal temperatures are only a few degrees above normal midday environmental temperatures. 3. These fish lack the symptoms of the ‘diving syndrome’. Metabolic rates (oxygen consumption), heart rates, and blood lactic acid concentrations are not affected by shifts of fish between water and air. 4. Rates of ammonia and urea production increase in fish out of water. The ratio of urea/ammonia also increases. 5. The generality of the results, also their physiological significance, are discussed.