Analytical Results For The Steady State Of Traffic Flow Models With Stochastic Delay

Exact mean field equations are derived analytically to give the fundamental diagrams, i.e., the average speed - car density relations, for the Fukui-Ishibashi one-dimensional traffic flow cellular automaton model of high speed vehicles $(v_{max}=M>1) $ with stochastic delay. Starting with the basic equation describing the time evolution of the number of empty sites in front of each car, the concepts of inter-car spacings longer and shorter than $M$ are introduced. The probabilities of having long and short spacings on the road are calculated. For high car densities $(\rho \geq 1/M)$, it is shown that inter-car spacings longer than $M$ will be shortened as the traffic flow evolves in time, and any initial configurations approach a steady state in which all the inter-car spacings are of the short type. Similarly for low car densities $(\rho \leq 1/M)$, it can be shown that traffic flow approaches an asymptotic steady state in which all the inter-car spacings are longer than $M-2$. The average traffic speed is then obtained analytically as a function of car density in the asymptotic steady state. The fundamental diagram so obtained is in excellent agreement with simulation data.

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