A method is derived to determine whether ocean abundance of a salmon stock affects either the survival rate between particular ages or the proportion of the ocean population which migrates back to freshwater spawning areas. The approach, similar to Fredin's smolt indices method, uses data on brood-year contributions to adult returns in successive years. Survival rate and proportion maturing are found to be independent of stock abundance after age 3, except in Naknek River sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) data. In cases such as Babine Lake sockeye salmon, where nonlinearity has been identified previously in the relation between smolt abundance and total adult returns, this lack of density dependence in the older ages means that the mortality processes which cause that nonlinearity act early in smolt life. The relations between abundance of adult returns of age n in year t and returns of age n + 1 from the same brood class in year t + 1 are useful as preseason forecasting techniques. The method derived here, which uses logarithms of abundances, improves upon the existing forecasting method. Deviations from the relation between abundances of brood-year returns can in some cases be explained by smolt weight, which is shown to affect mean age at return.Key words: salmon age structure, marine survival, age-at-return, smolt weight, preseason forecasting

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