Animal Experiments with a New Type of Intraocular Acrylic Lens

The implantation of a plastic lenticulus after removal of a cataract has been a controversial subject from the very beginning. Kirby1lists his objections to the Ridley technique as follows: (1) the chemical reaction of a foreign body; (2) the reaction between the lens and the posterior surface of the iris; (3) the pathology which may result from the repeated movement of the lens; (4) the effect of volume and weight of the lens with the eye in motion; (5) the inferior visual results; (6) the protracted inflammatory period. He further states that, although he prefers not to use the technique at present, he would urge others to continue research on suitable animal eyes. A recent report by Redmond Smith2on nine human eyes removed because of intense anterior chamber reaction after Ridley operations also suggests that more animal trials are desirable. This is a report on experimental