WMAPping inflationary physics

We extract parameters relevant for distinguishing among single-field inflation models from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data set, and from a combination of the WMAP data and seven other Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments. We use only CMB data and perform a likelihood analysis over a grid of models including the full error covariance matrix. We find that a model with a scale-invariant scalar power spectrum ($n=1$), no tensor contribution, and no running of the spectral index, is within the 1-$\sigma$ contours of both data sets. We then apply the Monte Carlo reconstruction technique to both data sets to generate an ensemble of inflationary potentials consistent with observations. None of the three basic classes of inflation models (small-field, large-field, and hybrid) are completely ruled out, although hybrid models are favored by the best-fit region. The reconstruction process indicates that a wide variety of smooth potentials for the inflaton are consistent with the data, implying that the first-year WMAP result is still too crude to constrain significantly either the height or the shape of the inflaton potential. In particular, the lack of evidence for tensor fluctuations makes it impossible to constrain the energy scale of inflation. Nonetheless, the data rule out a large portion of the available parameter space for inflation. For instance, we find that potentials of the form $V = \lambda \phi^4$ are ruled out to $3\sigma$ by the combined data set, but not by the WMAP data taken alone.

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