Current Status of the Human Obesity Gene Map

An overview of the status of the human obesity gene map up to October 1995 is presented. The evidence is drawn from several lines of clinical and experimental research. First, 12 loci linked to Mendelian disorders exhibiting obesity as one clinical feature are reviewed. Second, six loci causing obesity in rodent models of the disease are considered. Third, eight chromosomal regions where quantitative trait loci, identified by crossbreeding experiments with informative strains of mice, are defined. Fourth, 10 candidate genes exhibiting a statistical association with BMI or body fat are introduced. Fifth, nine loci found to be linked to a relevant phenotype are listed and the four cases for which the evidence for linkage is strongest are emphasized. The latter are mapped to 2p25, 6p21.3, 7q33 and 20q12‐13.11. Finally, the studies that have concluded that there was no association or linkage with a marker or gene are also reviewed. It is recommended that a system be developed by the obesity research community to ensure that an accurate and easily accessible computerized version of the human obesity gene map becomes available in the near future.