Relationship of AIDS Education and Knowledge to AIDS-Related Social Skills in Adolescents

The AIDS Social Assertiveness Scale (ASAS) and a measure of AIDS knowledge were administered to 490 high school students from 10 South Australian schools selected across a range of public/private, rural/urban, and socioeconomic statuses. Age, grade, hours of AIDS education, and sexual experience (and condom use) also were ascertained. Data indicated the factor structure of the ASAS was similar to that obtained in a previous sample. A close association existed between both age and hours of AIDS education, and AIDS knowledge. Students from country and working class area schools were less knowledgeable about AIDS. These data suggest AIDS social assertiveness is measurable and that it is associated with AIDS knowledge, age, and previous sexual experience. AIDS knowledge in high school students differed between country and urban adolescents and between students in working and middle class areas, but AIDS education is associated with the same level of improvement in all schools sampled.