Nonradiative excitation energy transport in one-component disordered systems

High-accuracy Monte Carlo simulations of the time-dependent excitation probabilityG s (t) and steady-state emission anisotropyr M /r 0M for one-component three-dimensional systems were performed. It was found that the values ofr M /r 0M obtained for the averaged orientation factor $\overline {\kappa ^2 } $ only slightly overrate those obtained for the real values of the orientation factor κ ik 2 . This result is essentially different from that previously reported. Simulation results were compared with the probability coursesG s (t) andR(t) obtained within the frameworks of diagrammatic and two-particle Huber models, respectively. The results turned out to be in good agreement withR(t) but deviated visibly fromG s (t) at long times and/or high concentrations. Emission anisotropy measurements on glycerolic solutions of Na-fluorescein and rhodamine 6G were carried out at different excitation wavelengths. Very good agreement between the experimental data and the theory was found, with λex≈λ0-0 for concentrations not exceeding 3.5·10−2 and 7.5·10−3 M in the case of Na-fluorescein and rhodamine 6G, respectively. Up to these concentrations, the solutions investigated can be treated as one-component systems. The discrepancies observed at higher concentrations are caused by the presence of dimers. It was found that forλ ex 0-0 (Stokes excitation) the experimental emission anisotropies are lower than predicted by the theory. However, upon anti-Stokes excitation (λex0-0), they lie higher than the respective theoretical values. Such a dispersive character of the energy migration can be explained qualitatively by the presence of fluorescent centers with 0-0 transitions differing from the “mean” at λ0-0.