Fast cerebral functional signal in the 100‐ms range detected in the visual cortex by frequency‐domain near‐infrared spectrophotometry

Brain activity is associated with physiological changes, which alter the optical properties of the tissue in the near‐infrared part of the spectrum. Two major types of optical signals following functional brain activation can be distinguished: a slow signal due to hemodynamic changes and a fast signal, which is directly related to neuronal activity. The fast signal is small and therefore difficult to detect. We used a specially noise‐optimized frequency‐domain near‐infrared spectrometer with a π‐sensor, which was expected to be particularly sensitive to deeper tissue layers, to investigate the human visual cortex during visual stimulation generated by a checkerboard. We were able to detect significant fast signals in single light bundles, but not in π‐signals. The fast signals were mostly collocated with strong slow hemodynamic signals, but showed a higher degree of localization than the latter. The latencies of 40±16 ms of the fast signals were similar between locations. Our results also indicate that the brain responds differently to a single and double (forth and back) reversal of the checkerboard, with a stronger reaction upon the double reversal.