The L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel EGL-19 controls body wall muscle function in Caenorhabditis elegans

Caenorhabditis elegans is a powerful model system widely used to investigate the relationships between genes and complex behaviors like locomotion. However, physiological studies at the cellular level have been restricted by the difficulty to dissect this microscopic animal. Thus, little is known about the properties of body wall muscle cells used for locomotion. Using in situ patch clamp technique, we show that body wall muscle cells generate spontaneous spike potentials and develop graded action potentials in response to injection of positive current of increasing amplitude. In the presence of K+ channel blockers, membrane depolarization elicited Ca2+ currents inhibited by nifedipine and exhibiting Ca2+-dependent inactivation. Our results give evidence that the Ca2+ channel involved belongs to the L-type class and corresponds to EGL-19, a putative Ca2+ channel originally thought to be a member of this class on the basis of genomic data. Using Ca2+ fluorescence imaging on patch-clamped muscle cells, we demonstrate that the Ca2+ transients elicited by membrane depolarization are under the control of Ca2+ entry through L-type Ca2+ channels. In reduction of function egl-19 mutant muscle cells, Ca2+ currents displayed slower activation kinetics and provided a significantly smaller Ca2+ entry, whereas the threshold for Ca2+ transients was shifted toward positive membrane potentials.