Acute Systemic Organ Injury in Term Infants After Asphyxia

• The systemic manifestations of "asphyxia" were evaluated prospectively in 35 consecutively intubated term newborn infants. The following systemic organ injuries were identified most often: (1) renal, ie, oliguria less than 1 mL/kg per hour for at least 24 hours (40%), an elevated urinary β-2-microglobulin concentration (57%), azotemia (11%), and an elevated serum creatinine level (17%); (2) central nervous system, ie, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (including seizures) (31%) or an abnormal cranial ultrasound scan, ie, diffuse parenchymal echogenicity, slitlike ventricles, and poor visualization of the sulci, and/or intracranial hemorrhage (26%); (3) cardiovascular, ie, an abnormal echocardiogram (25%) or abnormal electrocardiogram (11%); (4) pulmonary complications, including persistent pulmonary hypertension (23%); and (5) gastrointestinal complications, which were rare. Traditional markers of fetal distress were not related to the frequency and/or distribution of systemic organ injury. An important implication of this study relates to the recognition of the extent and distribution of organ injury in the "asphyxiated" infant. (AJDC. 1989;143:617-620)