Malignant transformation induced by incorporated radionuclides in BALB/3T3 mouse embryo fibroblasts.

The induction of lethality and malignant transformation by 5-[125I]iododeoxyuridine and [3H]thymidine incorporated into cellular DNA, and by X-irradiation was studied in vitro in BALB/3T3 cells. Under these conditions, 125I radiation is highly localized to small regions of the DNA at the site of each decay and produces DNA double-strand breaks with high efficiency. Incorporated 125I was found to be 12-16 times as lethal per decay as incorporated 3H. For the induction of malignant transformation, however, 125I was .apprx. 25 times as effective per decay as 3H. When the frequencies of transformation induced at various levels of survival by 125I, 3H and X-rays were compared, lethality was found to correlate closely with transformation at doses that yielded significant cell killing. An exception occurred at low doses, where 125I appeared much more efficient than X-irradiation in inducing transformation; transformation frequencies equal to those induced by 3-5 Gy [gray] of X-rays resulted from 125I exposures that yielded little or no cell killing.