On one relator groups and HNN extensions

In his work [5] on subgroups of one relator groups, Moldavanski observed that if G is a one relator group whose defining relator R is cyclically reduced and has exponent sum zero on some generator occurring in it, then G is an HNN extension of a one relator group H whose defining relator is shorter than R. This observation, together with Britton's Lemma, can be used to give rather easy proofs of the basic results on one relator groups. To exposit this point of view, we give here a proof of the Freiheitssatz, the solvability of the word problem for one relator groups, and the theorem classifying elements of finite order in one relator groups. In particular, the solution obtained for the word problem is often easy to apply. We also give a proof of the “Spelling Theorem” of Newman [6].

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