Estimates of Partial Efficiency of Young Beef Bulls

Gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency records of 1,409 bulls that were individully fed at central test stations were analyzed. Feed for maintenance and feed for gain were estimated and used to study partial and gross efficiency and relative feed intake. Among the eight breed groups represented there was a range of 3.4% in the breed means for partial efficiency and of 1.6% in the means for gross efficiency. Relative feed consumption ranged from 2.82 to 3.10 times maintenance among the eight breed groups. Effects associated with location, year, breed and the interactions among these effects were significant for traits related to partial efficiency. If the bulls presented to these central tests are representative of their respective breeds, these results emphasize the importance of making comparisons within tests and finding more efficient cattle within the breed of choice. Copyright © 1980. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1980 by American Society of Animal Science.