Influence of film fog on radiographic caries diagnosis.

Increasing film speed may potentially jeopardize diagnostic quality because of a more rapid build up of fog and an ensuing decrease in image contrast. A standardized amount of fog was simulated by pre-exposing E-speed dental films before use to obtain images of extracted teeth with and without approximal caries. Three experiments were performed. In the first, no effort was made to compensate for the increased density caused by fog. In the other two, density was kept constant by reducing exposure and developing time respectively. Nine dentists recorded the presence and absence of caries using a rating scale to indicate diagnostic confidence. As a measure of diagnostic accuracy, the area under the binormal ROC curve was used and the values averaged across observers. The results showed that fog, up to a level of base plus fog of 0.6 optical density units, had no influence on the diagnostic accuracy in the absence of any compensation. When exposure was lowered to compensate for the increased density, significantly lower diagnostic accuracy was found. On the other hand, when developing time was decreased, no significant difference was found. Observers ranked radiographs with higher levels of fog as being of lower quality. However, no significant correlation was found between subjective ranking of image quality and diagnostic accuracy obtained from the same radiographs. It is concluded that relatively high levels of fog do not exert a negative influence on approximal caries diagnosis and no attempt should therefore be made to compensate for the increased density.