Minimum Analgesic Dose of Epidural Sufentanil for First-stage Labor Analgesia

Background: The aim of this prospective, double-blind, sequential allocation study was to compare the effects of spontaneous and prostaglandin-induced labor on the minimum analgesic dose of epidural sufentanil in the first stage of labor. Methods: Seventy healthy, nulliparous women, at more than 37 weeks' gestation with cervical dilatation from 2 to 4 cm, requesting epidural pain relief in labor were enrolled. The subjects were assigned to two different groups according to whether labor was spontaneous or induced with dinoprostone 0.5 mg. Parturients received 10 ml of the study solution through a lumbar epidural catheter. The initial dose was sufentanil 25 microg, and subsequent doses were determined by the response of the previous patient in the same group using up-down sequential allocation. The analgesic effectiveness was assessed using 100-mm visual analog pain scores. The up-down sequences were analyzed using the method of independent paired reversals and probit regression. Results: The minimum analgesic dose of sufentanil in spontaneous labor was 22.2 microg (95% CI: 19.6, 22.8) and 27.3 microg (95% CI: 23.8, 30.9) in induced labor. The minimum analgesic dose of sufentanil in induced labor was significantly greater (P = 0.0014) than that in spontaneous labor (95% CI difference: 2.9, 9.3) by a factor of 1.3 (95% CI: 1.1, 1.5). Conclusion: Prostaglandin induction of labor produces a significantly greater analgesic requirement than does spontaneous labor.