Mechanisms of Resistance to Empoasca kraemeri in Phaseolus vulgaris12

Bean selections Diacol-Calima, Brazil 3624, and Brazil 1087 were preferred over ICA-PijaO, Brazil 343, and ICA-Tui by a leafhopper, Empoasca kraemeri Ross and Moore, for ovipositing. ICA-Tui was least preferred for feeding by adult males. The petiole was preferred over the leaf as an oviposition site (all varieties, but especially in Brazil 3624). No antibiosis was found among the 6 varieties studied in detail nor in 48 other accessions possessing some resistance to E. kraemeri . An excised leaf technique revealed that Brazil 3624, Brazil 1087, and Brazil 343 had the greatest tolerance for E. kraemeri .

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