A cloned repeated DNA sequence in human chromosome heteromorphisms

A sequence derived by ECoRI restriction of human satellite DNA III has been cloned in λgt WES. The cloned DNA was used as a template for in vitro synthesis of cRNA, which was hybridized in situ to preparations of human metaphase chromosomes with a range of heterochromatic polymorphisms. Most of the hybridization was found on chromosome 1, and the amount of hybridization was related to the size of the C-band on this chromosome. Hybridization to other chromosomes was not related to the C-band size, although hybridization of total satellite DNA is proportional to C-band size. Total satellite DNAs contain a mixture of sequences, some of which are predominantly located on only one pair of chromosomes. Hybridization in situ is able to discriminate between such chromosome-specific sequences and the bulk of satellite DNA. Further analysis of satellite DNAs may identify sequences specific for every chromosome pair.