Structural effect of heavy ion irradiation on GdBaCuO ceramics

The influence of twin boundaries as sinks on defects induced by 480 keV Kr ion irradiation in GdBaCuO crystals was observed in situ at 40 and 300 K. The interaction of the dislocations with the twin boundaries followed on a video recording. A crystalline to amorphous transition was observed above a total fluence of ∼ 4 - 5 x 10^12 Kr/cm2. A comparison between orthorhombic (Os) crystals and a monoclinic structure (Ms) (close to Os and whose parameters were calculated) shows that the behaviour of irradiation-induced extended defects does not depend on a small initial deformation of the orthorhombic cell. In both case, an occasional orthorhombic (or monoclinic) to tetragonal phase transition only occurs when the amorphization process has begun