Anxiety levels in women attending colposcopy clinics for treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a randomised trial of written and video information

Objective To assess the effectiveness of video information in reducing the level of anxiety in women attending Colposcopy clinics. Design An observational study followed by a randomised trial. Setting Colposcopy Clinic, Royal Free Hospital, London. Participants Between April and December 1999, all new referrals to the clinic with a cervical smear showing moderate or severe dyskaryosis. Main outcome measure The level of anxiety measured by the Spielberger State Anxiety Inventory. Conclusion Women attending colposcopy clinics for either diagnosis or treatment, experience a high level of anxiety. The highest levels occur in women attending a one‐stop see and treat clinic. The introduction of visual information in the form of an explanatory video prior to attendance significantly reduced anxiety.