ΔG° t(H+), the free energy of transfer of the proton from water into water–co-solvent mixutres, has been determined experimentally for the co-solvent 2-methoxyethanol keeping the conditions water-rich. Specific criticisms of the method used are discussed and rejected . ΔG° t(X) for simple anions has been calculated from ΔG° t(HX) leading to the calculation of ΔG° t(M+) from ΔG° t(MX). ΔG° t(i)e, the free energy of transfer of the charge alone, has been determined for organic cations and anions using ΔG° t(H+) found here, combined with values for the pK of acids and bases in water–2-methoxyethanol. ΔGint t, the difference in the partial molar free energy of interaction of a molecule with the solvent in transferring the molecule from water into the mixture has been determined for two electrically neutral organic bases. The values for ΔG° t(i), ΔG° t(i)e and ΔGint t(i) are compared among themselves and with values found in mixtures of water with other co-solvents.

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