Coronary Bypass Graft Patency in Patients With Diabetes in the Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation (BARI)

Background— Few studies have compared long-term status of bypass grafts between patients with and without diabetes, and uncertainty exists as to whether diabetes independently predicts poor clinical outcome after CABG. Methods and Results— Among 1526 patients in BARI who underwent CABG as initial revascularization, 99 of 292 (34%) with treated diabetes mellitus (TDM) (those on insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents) and 469 of 1234 (38%) without TDM had follow-up angiography. Angiograms with the longest interval from initial surgery and before any percutaneous graft intervention (mean 3.9 years) were reviewed. An average of 3.0 grafts were placed at initial CABG for patients with TDM (n=297; internal mammary artery [IMA], 33%) and 2.9 grafts for patients without TDM (n=1347; IMA, 34%). Patients with TDM were more likely than those without to have small (P =0.23). For vein grafts, the corresponding percentages were 71% versus 75% ( P =0.40). After statistical adjustment, TDM was unrelated to having a graft stenosis ≥50% (adjusted odds ratio, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.58 to 1.32). Conclusions— Despite diabetic patients’ having smaller distal vessels and vessels judged to be of poorer quality, diabetes does not appear to adversely affect patency of IMA or vein grafts over an average of 4-year follow-up. Previously observed differences in survival between CABG-treated patients with and without diabetes may be largely a result of differential risk of mortality from noncardiac causes.