An apparatus for determining linear thermal expansion data up to 1350 deg C for materials that cannot be heated in air is described. Expansion is not measured directly, but is derived from the differential expansion between the material being tested and the materials of construction of the dilatometer. The apparatus is calibrated against published data on the linear thermal expansion of both fused silica and polycrystalline tungsten metal. It can be operated either as a high-vacuum or as a controlled-atmosphere apparatus. Recording of data is either fully automatic or manual. The percentage error is believed to be no greater than plus or minus 0.1 to 0.2%. Original data for linear thermal expansion of materials such as hot-pressed BeO, hafnium-free ZrC/sub 2/, zirconium-free HfO/sub 2/, INOR-8 alloy, siliconized silicon carbide, uranium dioxide, compositions of Be + BeO, and samples of CS 312 graphite, boron nitride, and tungsten metal. (auth)

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