Some foods of Buller's mollymawkDiomedea bulleri

Food samples from 27 Buller’s mollymawks Diomedea bulleri from the New Zealand region showed that cephalopods were, by frequency of occurrence and by mass, their preferred food. Fish, crustaceans, and tunicates, in decreasing order of importance, also were taken. Seventeen species of Cephalopoda were identified by their beaks, with 78.5% of individuals belonging to the Ommastrephidae (77% Nototodarus spp.) and 10% to the Histioteuthidae. The diet was compared with that of four other small species of Diomedea, and found to be similar to that of D. chrysostoma, D. irrorata, and D. cauta, but different from that of D. melanophris, whose preferred food is euphausiids. Squid-fishing operations around New Zealand may come into competition with Buller’s mollymawk.