Deterioration of auditory evoked potentials during cerebellopontine angle manipulations

Evoked action potentials from the internal auditory meatus portion of the cochlear nerve (IAM-EAP's) and brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP's) from the vertex were simultaneously recorded during cerebellopontine angle (CPA) manipulations (retractions of the cerebellar hemisphere and the cochlear nerve) in dogs. The BAEP changes noted in these dogs were the same as those seen in patients. The IAM-EAP's showed graded deterioration related to BAEP changes. The results are as follows: Prolongation of the I-V interpeak latency of BAEP's, the most common finding during CPA manipulations, is the reflection of prolongation of the I-II interpeak latency, which is caused by conduction impairment or block of the nerve impulses between the extracranial portion of the cochlear nerve and the brain stem. The operative manipulations representing stretch or compression injury to the cochlear nerve in the CPA leads to an acute traumatic cranial nerve root lesion--a retrocochlear lesion. The obliteration of all BAEP components including wave I cannot be caused by conduction block. This is caused by occlusion of the internal auditory artery. Wave I of the BAEP's and the P1-N1 complex of the IAM-EAP's are important indicators of cochlear blood flow during surgical intervention. As possible causes of internal auditory artery obstruction, mechanical distortion of the relationship between the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) and the internal auditory artery at the junctional portion, mechanical vasospasm of the AICA-internal auditory artery complex, and ensuing no-reflow phenomena are discussed. Evoked action potentials are expected to be a useful intraoperative real-time monitor during CPA surgery that can detect rapid changes derived from cochlear artery insufficency. The real-time aspects can overcome some of the disadvantages of BAEP monitoring.