Intensity and hedonic judgments of taste mixtures: an information integration analysis

Anderson's (1981) information integration approach was used to examine taste mixture integration for intensity and hedonic judgments of sucrose/sodium chloride and sucrose/citnc acid solutions. In Experiment I, total intensity and hedonic ratings were made for factorial combinations of sucrose and sodium chloride or citric acid. The total intensity judgments produced an integration pattern characterized by extreme subadditivity at high solute concentrations. (Subadditivity refers to the tendency for total mixture intensity to be rated as less than the sum of the unmixed component intensities.) The intensity judgment integration patterns were essentially identical for the two mixture types. However, the pattern of integration for the sucrose/sodium chloride and sucrose/citric acid mixtures differed for the hedonic ratings. Sucrose tended to eliminate the unpleasantness associated with increasing concentrations of citric acid, while it only modulated this trend for sodium chloride. In Experiment II, subjects rated the individual sweet, salty and sour components of the mixtures to determine whether mixture suppression of the component tastes could account for the subadditivity of the total intensity judgments and/or the pattern of results for the hedonic ratings. It was found that sucrose suppressed the sour component of the sucrose/citric acid mixtures more than the salty component of the sucrose/sodium chloride solutions This difference in component suppression seemed to account for the hedonic integration patterns of the two mixture types which suggests that mixture suppression is an important factor to consider when predicting the pleasantness of simple taste mixtures.