Potentiometric titration of polyacrylic and polymethacrylic acids with alkali metal and quaternary ammonium bases

Lithium ions, and, to a lesser extent, the sodium ions are bound by polyacrylic acid, as evidenced by pH titrations of polyacrylic acid in dilute (0.01 M) solutions of the alkali metal bases and solutions of their corresponding salts. The formation constant for the binding of lithium to polyacrylic acid was found to be 1.9. When dilute solutions of polyacrylic and polymethacrylic acids were titrated with quaternary ammonium bases, the polyacids became progressively weaker with increasing size of the counterion. These phenomena suggest that the counterions are largely held in close proximity to the polyanion chain, with distances of approach comparable to the sum of the ionic radii. Titrations of these acids with a mixture of a large and small cation also served to point up the increased chain potential in the presence of large cations. All of these effects are absent with the analogous low molecular weight acids.