Myeloid differentiation and susceptibility to HIV-1 are linked to APOBEC3 expression

HIV-1 recognition by, interaction with, and/or infection of CD4+CCR5+ tissue macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) play important roles in HIV-1 transmission and pathogenesis. By comparison, circulating CD4+CCR5+ monocytes appear relatively resistant to HIV-1, and a fundamental unresolved question involves deciphering restriction factors unique to this precursor population. Not only do monocytes, relative to macrophages, possess higher levels of the innate resistance factor APOBEC3G, but we uncovered APOBEC3A, not previously associated with anti-HIV activity, as being critical in monocyte resistance. Inversely correlated with susceptibility, silencing of APOBEC3A renders monocytes vulnerable to HIV-1. Differences in promiscuity of monocytes, macrophages, and DCs can be defined, at least partly, by disparities in APOBEC expression, with implications for enhancing cellular defenses against HIV-1.