Higher‐level phylogenetics of linyphiid spiders (Araneae, Linyphiidae) based on morphological and molecular evidence

This study infers the higher-level cladistic relationships of linyphiid spiders from five genes (mitochondrial CO1, 16S; nuclear 28S, 18S, histone H3) and morphological data. In total, the character matrix includes 47 taxa: 35 linyphiids representing the currently used subfamilies of Linyphiidae (Stemonyphantinae, Mynogleninae, Erigoninae, and Linyphiinae (Micronetini plus Linyphiini)) and 12 outgroup species representing nine araneoid families (Pimoidae, Theridiidae, Nesticidae, Synotaxidae, Cyatholipidae, Mysmenidae, Theridiosomatidae, Tetragnathidae, and Araneidae). The morphological characters include those used in recent studies of linyphiid phylogenetics, covering both genitalic and somatic morphology. Different sequence alignments and analytical methods produce different cladistic hypotheses. Lack of congruence among different analyses is, in part, due to the shifting placement of Labulla, Pityohyphantes, Notholepthyphantes, and Pocobletus. Almost all combined analyses agree on the monophyly of linyphioids, Pimoidae, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae, Mynogleninae, as well as Stemonyphantes as a basal lineage within Linyphiidae. Our results suggest independent origins of the desmitracheate tracheal system in micronetines and erigonines, and that erigonines were primitively haplotracheate. Cephalothoracic glandular specializations of erigonines and mynoglenines apparently evolved independently. Subocular sulci of mynoglenines and lateral sulci (e.g. Bathyphantes) evolved independently but glandular pores in the prosoma proliferated once. The contribution of different character partitions and their sensitivity to changes in traditional analytical parameters is explored and quantified. (C) The Willi Hennig Society 2009.