Nuclear migration in Saccbaromyces cerevisiae is controlled by the highly repetitive 313 kDa NUM1 protein

We have isolated a novel gene (NUM1) with unusual internal periodicity. The NUM1 gene encodes a 313 kDa protein with a potential Ca2+ binding site and a central domain containing 12 almost identical tandem repeats of a 64 amino acid polypeptide. num1-disrupted strains grow normally, but contain many budded cells with two nuclei in the mother cell instead of a single nucleus at the bud neck, while all unbudded cells are uninucleate: This indicates that most G2 nuclei divide in the mother before migrating to the neck, followed by the migration of one of the two daughter nuclei into the bud. Furthermore, haploid num1 strains tend to diploidize during mitosis, and homozygous num1 diploid or tetraploid cells sporulate to form many budded asci with up to eight haploid or diploid spores, respectively, indicating that meiosis starts before nuclear redistribution and cytokinesis. Our data suggest that the NUM1 protein is involved in the interaction of the G2 nucleus with the bud neck.