Viability of Stored Pollen Grains ofMalus DomesticaBorkh as Evaluated by the Incorporation of Labelled Nucleic Acid Precursors

Viability of stored pollen grains of Malus domestica Borkh, cultivars «Golden Delicious» and «Starkrimson», is expressed as: 1) percentage of labelled generative and vegetative cells after feeding with 3H-thymidine and 3H-uridine; 2) percentage of germinated pollen grains. The ability to incorporate nucleic acid precursors decreases during storage; the vegetative cytoplasm response to storage is slower than the nuclear response, in respect to both 3H-thymidine and 3H-uridine incorporation. The germination ability is not influenced by the investigated storage. No relationship between the capacity of incorporating nucleic acid precursors and pollen grains germination is therefore detectable.