An optical model analysis of the elastic scattering of C11 and Li11 on C12 target nuclei has been performed, for measurements at 620 and 637 MeV laboratory incident energy, respectively. The data are from the group of the University of Notre Dame. It has turned out, in the case of the Li11 projectile, that it was necessary to use a real and imaginary surface potential peaked very far outside of the nucleus core, in order to reproduce the elastic scattering angular distribution at very forward angles. The extracted optical model reaction cross section leads to a radius of 3.7 fm for Li11 in agreement with what is already known in the literature from interaction cross section measurements. On the contrary, the extracted radius for the C11 nucleus is 2.5 fm in this experiment. Furthermore, at this high incident energy, a strong far-side component on Li11 is evidenced by a Fuller analysis. This large radius for the Li11 nucleus, added to the fact that strong refractive effects are observed in the elastic scattering, is a clear signature of a nuclear halo for the Li11 nucleus.