Regional variation in the surface morphology of the epithelium of the rat ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymidis and vas deferens

The luminal surface ofepithelial cells lining the ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymidis and first portion of the vas deferens were studied with the scanning electron microscope. In ductuli efferentes obvious ciliated cells are identified and it is shown that on non‐ciliated cells the short microvilli adhere to one another to form clumps of microvilli. In the epididymis two cell types are described and can be identified as principal cells and clear cells based on the presence or absence of microvilli. Clear cells vary in number along the duct, being most numerous distally. Their surface morphology is also most variable distally. In the vas deferens, principal cells with surface microvilli are easily identified; but in addition, a second cell type is seen, the identity of which is not known.